"The future's not ours, to see."
"So, just do your best today and you will not regret in the future."Salam, Itawakitsumaki.
Sejak tanggal 12, saya iseng nanya ke kakak, “Nggak beli kue tart?”. Si kakak pun nanggepin “Oh iya ya, mau? tapi lo yang beli ya..” (kami biasa ngobrol pake gw-lo, hihihi). Yes. Misi berhasil. Kakak saya yang alhamdulillah lagi mengandung anak pertamanya emang akhir-akhir ini jadi pinginan. Kalo saya nyebut suatu makanan atau lagi makan sesuatu, pasti dia kepingin. Namanya juga orang ngidam. Positifnya saya jadi sering ditraktir :P. Akhirnya, saya dapet tugas beli kue tart yang toppingnya buah besok Minggunya.
Tapi…emang dasar saya sedang terserang holiday disorder, siang tidur, malem bangun, Minggu itu saya gak jadi beli kue tartnya karena tidur melulu. Lagipula hari itu hujan dari siang sampai sore, jadi saya malas untuk keluar. Akhirnya, tugas diundur deadlinenya sampai hari Senin (tanggal 14).
Senin itu pagi-pagi saya udah dibangunin. “Keeeem, bangun…katanya mau beli kue” (Kem singkatan dari Ikem, nama panggilan saya di rumah -__-). Mau nggak mau dan anehnya mata langsung melek dalam waktu yang gak begitu lama setelah dibangunin. Saya pun mandi, rapi-rapi, makan. Kebetulan saya juga berencana mau beli sepatu, jadi bisa sekalian.
Awalnya saya mau ke Bintaro Plaza nyari sepatu dan beli kue di Holland Bakery di depan STAN. Tapi niat urung dilaksanakan gara-gara siang itu lagi terik banget. Saya malas karena jarak rumah ke Bintaro lumayan jauh. Setelah saya ingat-ingat, kayaknya saya pernah liat Holland bakery di Ciledug (pelajaran #1 jangan sok yakin). Akhirnya saya putusin nyari sepatu di CBD Ciledug aja, abis itu baru ke Holland Bakery.
Sip, sepatu udah saya dapet. Saya langsung mengambil jalan pulang lewat Ciledug. Seinget saya, Holland Bakery nya ada di sekitar gerbang Puri Beta 2. Tapi pas lewat sana ternyata nggak ada Holland Bakery di sepanjang jalan.
Plan B: Ke Pinot Meruya.
Langsung lah saya jalan terus ke arah Meruya. Dari Ciledug ke Meruya lumayan jauh, sekitar 25 menit naik motor. Sampai di Pinot saya liat nggak ada tart yang toppingnya buah di display. Sok-sok aja saya tanya-tanya harga tartnya. Ternyata, kata mbaknya, kalo mau yang topping buah harus pesen dulu minimal sehari sebelumnya (pelajaran #2 kalo mau beli kue tart pesen dulu minimal sehari sebelumnya). Setelah ngucapin makasih dan minta brosur harga kue-kue, saya pun pergi melanjutkan pencarian.
Plan C: Ke Holland Bakery di Jalan Pesanggrahan.
Kalo yang ini saya yakin 99% Holland Bakerynya bener-bener ada di sana karena saya sering lewat. Jarak dari Meruya ke Pesanggrahan kira-kira 10 menit naik motor. Akhirnya sampai. Setelah masuk toko, saya langsung menuju display kue tart. K.E.C.E.W.A. (Biar dramatis ceritanya :P) Ternyata di sana juga gak ada tart topping buahnya, cuma ada blackforrest dan puding buah. T_T
Plan D: Ke Eaton Jalan Pinggir Tol Kebon Jeruk.
Dari Holland Bakery Pesanggrahan ke Eaton ini kira-kira 5 menit. Hari semakin panas. Jarak semakin jauh. Saya pun masuk ke toko Eaton dengan badan yang mulai lemah lunglai *lebay session*. Sebenarnya saya kesini karena ingat waktu itu teman saya pernah beli tart topping buah untuk ulang tahun teman kami.
Seperti di toko-toko sebelumnya, saya langsung menuju display kue tart…. Ada! Tapi pas liat harga…….appppaaaa?!! Rp320ribuan kalo gak salah. Ukurannya pun terlalu besar. Sedangkan kue yang saya cari kira-kira diameter 15cm saja. Padahal waktu teman saya beli dulu ada yang ukuran kecil di display.
Oke, saya pun bingung ke mana arah dan tujuan saya selanjutnya #tsaaaah… Akhirnya saya telepon si kakak, bilang udah nyari kemana-mana tapi kuenya gak ada. Dia sumringah sekali menunggu kue itu. Akhirnya dia bilang terserah saya mau beli kue yang apa aja.
Back to Plan B: Saya kembali ke Pinot.
Sebenernya di pinot ada tart topping buah yang ready, tapi cuma ukuran slices aja. Akhirnya saya amat-amati lagi kue-kue di display. Terus tanya-tanya harganya ke mbak penjaga tokonya. Pilihan saya akhirnya jatuh pada satu tart: black and white, gabungan antara black and white chocolate dengan bolu yang sangat lembuuuut di dalamnya. Anda akan merasa melayang mulai dari gigitan pertama. Ka, stop lebayatun. Kata Mbaknya harganya 108rb. “Oke deh mbak, ditulis Happy Birthday Renny (26) & Kholik (27) ya..” Saya pun nunggu di kasir.
Kue, udah siap. Kasir ngitung. Saya nyiapin uang. Kasir bilang 180 ribu. Saya kaget. Apppppaaaaa???!! (gak segitunya ding.. :P) Saya ulang lagi harganya,”108 ribu?” Kata kasir “180 ribu". Saya tetep kekeuh, kali ini ngelirik ke mbak yang jaga toko tadi “108 ribu?”. Kata mbak itu “180 ribu”. Errrrrr…yak,ternyata saya salah denger sodara-sodari, ternyata harganya 180 rebu tapi saya dengernya 108 rebu, beda 72 rebu, hahaha. (pelajaran #3 pasang telinga baek-baek pas nanya harga)
Saya yang emang budgetnya gak berencana sampe segitu, akhirnya dengan muka polos dan tanpa dosa, “eh maaf saya salah denger mbak, hehehe” sambil cengengesan. “Bisa dituker kan mbak?hehehe..”,sambil cengar-cengir. Untung mbak yang berwajah manis itu ternyata berhati manis juga. Dia bilang, “Oh nggak papa, jadi dituker yang mana”.
Kami pun kembali ke display kue lagi. Setelah nanya-nanya singkat (intinya saya mau kue yang di bawah 150 ribu, ahelah rempong amat), saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk membawa pulang kue bulat, berlapis white cream, dengan 3 buah stoberi di atasnya, dan 2 lempeng cokelat berbentuk kipas, dan di dalamnya berupa bolu cokelat yang sangat lembuuuut dengan cream rasa jeruk :9. Harganya ternyata 105rb, oke sesuai dengan budget. Hihihihi. Setelah memindahkan lempeng cokelat bertuliskan happy birthday dari kue sebelumnya, akhirnya si putih bundar ini siap dibungkus dan ikut saya pulang.
Berakhirlah pencarian kue tart berdiameter 15cm dengan topping buah-buahan yang akhirnya diganti menjadi kue tart berdiameter 15cm dengan lapisan white cream dan stroberi yang manis ini:
Saya pun pulang. Si kakak menyambut. Gak lama kemudian kue langsung kami potong. (Makanya saya bilang ini kue kepinginan ponakan di dalem perut, bukan dalam rangka ulang tahun, soalnya kakak ipar belum pulang dari kantor tapi kue udah mulai dimakan sama si kakak dan saya XD).
Rasa kuenya???Beuuughhh jangan ditanya, enaaaaakkk banget. Serius deh.
Well, semoga keponakan saya yang masih di dalam perut menikmatinya.
♥BIG LOVE♥, your cool aunty.
Kemarin merupakan hari pertama masuk semester 6, semester terakhir \(^^)/ Dalam semester ini saya Cuma mendapat 3 mata kuliah, yaitu Audit Sektor Publik (ASP), Kapita Selekta Pengembangan Kepribadian (KSPK), dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi. Seharusnya jadwal kemarin itu ASP dan KSPK, tetapi karena dosen ASP berhalangan, maka yang masuk hanya KSPK.
Materi kuliah KSPK sepertinya menarik, isinya mengenai pengembangan kepribadian, kepemimpinan, manajemen stres, manajemen konflik, dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan kepribadian. Menurut saya, mata kuliah ini mirip seperti pelajaran Bimbingan Konseling (BK) sewaktu di SMP dan SMA. Saya kebetulan memang suka jenis pelajaran yang berhubungan dengan cara-cara mengenal sifat diri dan mengembangkan kepribadian, mungkin juga yang ada pengaruh ilmu psikologinya karena menurut saya pelajaran tersebut asyik dan tidak bikin bosan.
Pada pertemuan pertama, materinya mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan kepribadian. Salah satu yang menarik yaitu penjelasan dosen saya mengenai tipe-tipe manusia menurut hukumnya. Menurut dosen saya, Bapak Tri Ratna Taufiqurrahman, manusia itu dibagi menjadi 5 tipe, manusia wajib, manusia sunnah, manusia mubah, manusia makruh, dan manusia haram. Nah loh, gimana itu maksudnya?
Jadi begini penjelasannya:
1. Manusia Wajib
Tipe manusia ini, sangat dicari-cari dan kehadirannya benar-benar dibutuhkan. Kenapa? Karena mereka punya keahlian, kompetensi. Mereka punya ilmu yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh orang. Jadi seperti hukum Islam, wajib berarti jika dilakukan mendapat pahala, jika tidak dilakukan akan berdosa. Begitu pula dengan kehadiran mereka, jika mereka tidak hadir segala sesuatunya tidak akan berjalan.
2. Manusia Sunnah
Seperti dalam hukum Islam, perbuatan sunnah akan mendapat pahala jika dikerjakan, namun jika tidak dikerjakan akan rugi, karena kita tidak mendapat pahala. Begitu juga dengan tipe manusia sunnah, mereka cukup memiliki keahlian dan kompetensi, tetapi jika mereka tidak ada, masih ada orang lain yang dapat menggantikan kehadirannya.
3. Manusia Mubah
Mubah artinya boleh. Akan tetapi, menurut dosen saya manusia dengan tipe seperti ini sangat tidak dianjurkan. Hal ini karena berarti kita menjadi orang yang tidak dianggap, tidak ada pengaruhnya apakah kita hadir atau tidak. Demikian pula jika kita tidak ada, orang-orang pun tidak akan mempermasalahkan. Jadi ada dan tiada kita tidak masalah.
4. Manusia Makruh
Makruh artinya sebaiknya dijauhi. Nah, nggak mau kan jadi tipe manusia yang dijauhi oleh lingkungan? Jangan sampe deh..
5. Manusia Haram
Haram berarti jika dikerjakan akan berdosa, jika ditinggalkan mendapat pahala. Dari pengertian tersebut sudah jelas manusia tipe ini selalu dijauhi dimana pun mereka berada. Kehadiran mereka akan sangat mengganggu dan sebaliknya, ketiadaan mereka akan menjadi kebahagiaan bagi orang-orang. Wah, sedih banget pasti kalo jadi manusia tipe ini.
Oleh karena itu, saya mencoba mengambil kesimpulan bahwa kita harus selalu berusaha menjadi manusia wajib, yang kehadirannya ditunggu-tunggu dan memberi manfaat bagi orang lain. Caranya?
1. Perluas wawasan dan pengetahuan, sehingga jika diajak ngobrol kita gak ketinggalan berita atau dicap “lemot”.
2. Jaga sikap, jangan jadi orang nyebelin, misalnya berkata-kata kasar, suka menyebar fitnah, dan membuka aib orang lain.
3. Perdalamlah suatu keahlian sehingga kita memiliki kompetensi yang dapat meningkatkan “harga jual” dalam pergaulan.
4. Perluas pergaulan, jangan kuper. Semakin banyak bersosialisasi maka sensitifitas kita akan semakin terasah sehingga kita dapat menjadi orang yang berempati terhadap orang lain dan tentu saja disenangi.
Oke, sekian postingan saya tentang mata kuliah KSPK. Dua mata kuliah lain juga sepertinya menyenangkan. Fight on! ^^
Global warming becomes an urgent problem today. It is going bad day by day. We see and feel many effects of global warming around us. We also hear news about bad weather, flood, and natural disaster in almost every country. Those are some kinds of global warming effects which influence human life.
Actually global warming is worse than we expected. Some studies show that there are many obvious signs which have happened caused by global warming process. In the Arctic, temperatures are rising and ice is melting dramatically in few years. It is very dangerous to human lives because the dramatic changes in Arctic will bring many bad effects to our places.
The scientists try to find the solution of global warming. They do research to know how to prevent global warming. They also create technology and material to reduce global warming. The scientists need a long time to do researches because their activities may not be successful just in time.
It is very important to people knowing what they have to do to face the global warming. In other hand, global warming is increasing very fast. Therefore, this essay will entirely explain about what global warming is, what the causes and the effects are, and what the solutions are to reduce global warming.
Global warming is the increase of the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. The term is also used for the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming. This theory explains that the increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released mainly by the burning of fossil fuels, and, to a lesser extent, land clearing and agriculture, are the primary sources of warming.
Global warming is closely related to weather and climate. People usually cannot distinguish properly between weather and climate. Weather is condition of the air in a certain place at a certain time. Weather can change within a very short time. Weather includes daily changes in barometric, precipitation, pressure, temperature, and wind in a certain location.
Climate describes the total of all weather occurring over a period of years in a given place. This includes average weather conditions, regular weather sequences, and special weather events. From this explanation, we can conclude that in normal condition, climate changes need a long period to happen.
The greenhouse effect is the raise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s temperature would be about 60°F colder. Because of how they warm the world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave like the glass panes in green house. Sunlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases. When the gases reach the Earth’s surface, land, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight energy. After that, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, then causing our world to heat up. The pictures above will illustrate the process of greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But, if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. Scientists are sure that the greenhouse effect makes the Earth warmer.
The Earth’s average temperature has increased rapidly within these 50 years. Scientists think that this temperature increase become one of the factor that fasten the glaciers and sea ice melting. The warmer temperatures in the sea make it rise even more. This is very dangerous to people because heat makes water expand. If the ocean expands, it will take up more space and destroy places around it.
There are many factors cause global warming. Those factors can be classified into 2 groups: the natural factors and the man-made factors. Both natural and man-made factors are making the global warming worse year by year. In ancient time, when population was not as large as now, the man-made factors were not significant. But now, when population of human is going greater in a short time, those factors bring a significant influence to global warming.
1. Natural Causes
Natural causes are the causes that are created by nature without any human influence. One of the natural causes is a release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases. It is very dangerous to environment, especially for human. This cause cannot be prevented by human so that we can just avoid it.
2. Man-made Causes
As the big number of population growth, people bring many bad influences to the environment. They build industrialization in every sector to develop the economy. This way not only gives positive impacts, but also negatives impacts. The positives industrialization are developing economy, increasing job fields, and providing various products which are needed by people. The negatives impacts are as many as the positives. Industrialization causes pollution. Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems.
Pollution, which is produced from factories, comes in various shape and size. There are air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. The water and soil pollution are caused by poisoned spoiled substance, such as mercury, detergent, and the other substances. Burning fossil becomes the most factor which causes air pollution. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal and oil. When fossil fuels are burned, they release a greenhouse gas called CO2. Mining coal and oil also allows methane to escape. Methane is naturally in the ground, but when coal or oil is mined, people have to dig up the Earth. It is mean that the methane escapes together into the atmosphere.
Another major man-made cause of global warming is population. More people means more food, more housing, and more transportation. That means more methane releases because there will be more burning of fossil fuels and more agriculture. Because more food is needed, we have to raise more food. One of the ways is by breeding the animals. However, the animals in barn and cattle can produce methane gas from their spoils. People also cut the forest to create a new farm. It is actually dangerous because the forest has an important function to the environment balance. The forest can absorb CO2 from the air and produce O2. CO2 is one of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming.
As the fact that CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase of population makes the problem worse because people breathe out CO2. The trees that can convert the CO2 to O2, are being cut down because people are using the land as property for houses and buildings. When people do not replacing the trees, it means that the most important part of the ecosystem has been decreased. People are constantly taking advantages from natural resources, but they giving nothing back in return.
Population growth also means transportation development. People need to mobile in short time, so that they need a modern transportation methods. But actually this modern transportation produces pollution into the air. As the fact before, fossil fuels which are used by transportation release CO2. The statistic shows that coal-burning power plants are the largest source of carbon dioxide pollution. There is a picture that shows number of CO2emissions produced by countries in the world.
The effects of global warming are many and various, both for environment and for human life. The primary effect of global warming is increasing carbon dioxide and increasing global average surface temperature. From this primary effect, a variety of secondary effects are happened, including sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozone layer, increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, and the spread of diseases.
Those effects influence not only human activities, but also ecosystems. Increasing global temperature means that ecosystems may change; some species may be forced out of their habitats (possibly to extinction) because of changing conditions, while others may flourish. In other hand, increasing carbon dioxide may increase ecosystems' productivity.
1. Bad Weather
The scientists said that as the climate grows warmer, evaporation will increase. This is expected to continue to cause heavier rainfall and more erosion, and in more vulnerable tropical areas (especially in Africa), desertification due to deforestation. Many scientists think that it could result in more extreme weather as global warming progresses.
Bad weather has bad impacts to human life. It will cause flood which has happened in some countries recently. Flood destroys thousands houses, buildings, roads, and the other facilities. It also influences the transportation and communication system. Flood has cost more than that we expect.
2. Destabilization of Local Climates
The total surface area of glaciers worldwide has decreased by 50% since the end of the 19th century. As of March 2005, the snow cap that has covered the top of Mount Kilimanjaro for the past 11,000 years since the last ice age has almost disappeared. The loss of glaciers not only directly causes landslides, flash floods and glacial lake overflow, but also increases annual variation in water flows in rivers.
3. Sea Level Rise
With increasing average global temperature, the water in the oceans expands in volume, and additional water enters them which had previously been locked up on land in glaciers and the polar ice caps. An increase of 1.5 to 4.5 °C is estimated to lead to an increase of 15 to 95 cm.
The fact shows that sea level has risen more than 120 meters since the peak of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. The bulk of that occurred before 6000 years ago. From 3000 years ago to the start of the 19th century, sea level was almost constant, rising at 0.1 to 0.2mm/year. Since 1900, the level has risen at 1–2 mm/year; since 1992, satellite altimetry from TOPEX/Poseidon indicates a rate of about 3 mm/year.
The increasing of sea level rise also occurs in Jakarta this last years. In North Jakarta, sea water often expands to the land, even to some kilometers from seashore. Some researches shows that Jakarta may be sank in less than 50 years from now. It is very terrible, because Jakarta has a crowded population.
4. Ecosystems
Rising temperatures are beginning to influence ecosystems. Research shows that butterflies have shifted their ranges northward by 200 km in Europe and North America. Plants lag behind, and larger animals' migration is slowed down by cities and highways. In Britain, spring butterflies are appearing an average of 6 days earlier than two decades ago. In the Arctic, the waters of Hudson Bay are ice-free for three weeks longer than they were thirty years ago, affecting polar bears, which do not hunt on land.
5. Glacier Retreat
The Arctic is thawing very rapidly, documented by new reports from scientists and arctic natives. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment which released in late 2004 shows changes from the ice at the North Pole to animals and human settlements. More recent reports from Greenland show outlet glaciers moving meters per hour and rapidly thinning.
For some time it was hoped that a positive effect of global warming would be increased agricultural yields, because of the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, especially in preventing photorespiration, which is responsible for significant destruction of several crops. Moreover, the region likely to be worst affected is Africa, both because its geography makes it particularly vulnerable, and because seventy per cent of the population rely on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods.
Scientists said that sea level rises threaten to contaminate groundwater, affecting drinking water and agriculture in coastal zones. Increased evaporation will reduce the effectiveness of reservoirs. Increased extreme weather means more water falls on hardened ground unable to absorb it. It is leading to flash floods instead of a replenishment of soil moisture or groundwater levels. In some areas, shrinking glaciers threaten the water supply. Higher temperatures will also increase the demand for water for cooling purposes.
This condition is going worse when people cut down the trees. The rain will go through to the sea before it is absorbed by the trees. It means that groundwater will decrease just in time. In dry season comes, this condition will caused a terrible water scarcity, but in rainy season, flood will come easily.
There are many ways that people can do for reducing global warming. People can cut global warming by reducing pollution from vehicles and power plants. Using renewable energy is very important because it can reduce the using of fossil fuel that can cause global warming. It is better to manufacture more efficient appliances and conserve energy, so that the using of energy can be saved.
Using energy more efficiently and moving to renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and bio-energy) would significantly reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases. Since the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide but renewable energy does not, increasing the share of our electricity generated from renewable resources is one of the most effective ways to reduce global warming emissions.
Global warming may be a big problem, but there are many little things that people can do to make a difference. Many greenhouse gases come from things people do every day, but there are some simple steps to reduce it:
Global warming becomes a big threat to the Earth right now because it has many bad impacts. Global warming is when carbon dioxide increases in the air and the air start to be warmer and hotter. The impacts are not only in environment aspect, but also in other aspects, such as economy, transportation, and agriculture. Global warming also threats the human life because of the natural disaster caused by global warming. The effects of global warming is going worse if there is not any preventive action from now.
The causes of global warming can be divided into 2 factors: natural factors and man-made factors. These factors make global warming worse year by year. Right now, the man-made factors are more significant than the natural factors since the population growth are increasing very fast. The greenhouse gases, especially methane and carbon dioxide become the most harmful causes of global warming.
Global warming is a big problem, but there are many little things that people can do to reduce it. Scientists are doing researches to find the way to solve global warming problems. The best and most simple solution to stop global warming is to plant massive amounts of trees to drastically reduce emissions. Moreover, the use of renewable resources will give a big change to solve global warming.
It is important for everyone to concern about global warming. Start from simple things such as recycle the goods, save electricity, and plant trees. It would be better if everyone not only know about the global warming, but also do the real action to reduce it.
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